UFirst Secure Checking Account
Peace of mind. It’s one of the most important benefits a financial institution can provide. With unrivaled security and smart savings – it’s simple!
With a UFirst Secure Checking Account it’s easier to protect your finances, save money and enjoy your life.

Custom Debit Card
Express your creativity by adding your favorite photo to your United Financial Debit Card! Get Started Here

UFirst Secure Checking comes with Identity Theft Monitoring and resolution services.

Instant Issue Debit Card
Instant Issue Contactless Debit Card technology lets you make everyday purchases quickly and safely with just the tap of your debit card.

Enjoy no surcharge on thousands of ATMs across our CO-OP network.

Be Safer. Spend Smarter.
Use your United Financial checking to make purchases, pay bills or get cash.
- No minimum balance requirement
- There is no minimum amount that needs to stay on deposit.
- Easily order your checks online - click here to order
IDProtect - Identity Theft Monitoring and Resolution Service*
UFirst Secure Checking comes with IDProtect services. Click here to view full benefits included.
Cell Phone Protection*
Receive up to $600 of replacement or repair costs if your cell phone is stolen or damaged.
No Per Check Charges
Unlike some institutions that allow so many free and then start charging per-check over a certain number, United Financial lets you write as few or as many and it doesn’t matter.
Free Monthly Statement
There is no monthly statement-processing fee. We will send you a statement of your Checking account free every month.
Free Order of Checks
One free order of basic checks per year
Duplicate Copies of Each Check
The checks we offer come with carbonless copies – so you’ll automatically write a non-negotiable duplicate every time you issue a check. Checks are not returned on a monthly basis – so these copies serve as receipts. For a small fee, check copies may be ordered for proof of payment.
Debit/ATM Card Access
Your Checking account and Debit/ATM Card go hand in hand. In fact, you will need a United Financial Checking account in order to use the Debit/ATM Card for debit transactions. Click Here to OPT IN for Overdraft Services
Balance Your Account with United Financial Online Banking
United Financial Digital Banking and U.S.24 Telephone Teller will give you the status of your account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can transfer funds between accounts to cover checks or debits, monitor recent activity, and even reorder checks online. It’s a great compliment to your United Financial checking account!
Free Coin Counting and Notary Services
Free Coin Counting and Notary Services if you are an Engaged United Financial Member. An Engaged Member has Direct Deposit and an active Debit Card with transactions in the last 30 days.
Low Monthly Fee
A $2.99 monthly fee will apply
Is membership for you? See the benefits now!
* Benefits are available to personal checking account owner(s), and their joint account owners subject to the terms and conditions for the applicable Benefits. Some Benefits require authentication, registration and/or activation. Benefits are not available to a “signer” on the account who is not an account owner or to businesses, clubs, trusts organizations and/or churches and their members, or schools and their employees/students.
** Special Program Notes: The descriptions herein are summaries only and do not include all terms, conditions and exclusions of the Benefits described. Please refer to the actual Guide to Benefit and/or insurance documents for complete details of coverage and exclusions. Coverage is provided through the company named in the Guide to Benefit or on the certificate of insurance. All Insurance documents and Guide to Benefits can be found online at UnitedFinancialCU.ClubChecking.com or through the Club Checking mobile app. Insurance Products are not insured by the NCUA or any Federal Government Agency; Not a deposit of or guaranteed by the Credit Union or any Credit Union Affiliate.