by Marketing | May 15, 2017 | Financial Tip
Many parents tell me they feel guilty about allowances. They aren’t consistent about when and how they give their kids money. They wonder if allowances should be tied to chores. Even how they dole out money can be a problem. Cash is easiest, but much of what kids want...
by Marketing | May 8, 2017 | Financial Tip
Kids are expensive, and estimating how much you’ll spend on your first bundle of joy is tricky. There are diapers, clothing, furniture, food and toys to think of, as well as costs that may not spring immediately to mind, like life insurance and college savings. But...
by Marketing | May 1, 2017 | Financial Tip
Saving money is often easier said than done, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Setting clear goals can motivate you to take action, focus on what’s important and steer clear of overspending. Here are a few tips on how to set your savings goals. Map out your goals...
by Marketing | Jul 18, 2014 | Financial Tip
Do you want to teach your kids about budgeting this summer? Most youngsters –59%– felt they could be smarter about money, according to a survey this year from broker T. Rowe Price Group, showing there’s plenty of room for improvement. By doing fun budgeting activities...
by Marketing | Jul 10, 2013 | Financial Tip
Teaching Kids to Save – 4 Real Tips for Success Laura Edgar is a senior writer for, a consumer finance comparison website dedicated to helping you save money every day. One of your many important roles as a parent or caregiver is to teach your children...